Premium Subscription Announcement

Special Crops Technical Analysis


My name is Trent Klarenbach, and I want to thank you for reading our newsletters, your suggestions and positive feedback.

We have attracted and made connections with international subscribers inspiring additional research services.

After much debate and reader encouragement, we have decided to transition to a paid subscription service allowing for quality improvements and an elevated level of research.

The Mission of this newsletter is to provide advance notice of trend changes along with support and resistance levels, allowing the reader to anticipate future price action.

Think Wayne Gretzky, skating to where the puck is going.

This is our Mission.

Our recent Sell Signal alerts have successfully avoided recent double-digit declines in Canary Seed, Oats and Hard Red Spring Wheat prices.

This analysis can be found on each newsletter blog or my website.


The monthly plan is less than a cup of coffee per day.

The annual bundle is less than $3 per day.

Group Subscriptions 

Available for companies or organizations.

Please reach out via email or call 306-463-8607 to discuss volume discounts.


or to participate.