A Whole Lot of Nothing

Special Crops Technical Analysis

6:30 Breakfast

Dale and Joanne cooked a great breakfast.

Twenty years later, they still do.

I was the youngest regular there by about ten years.

The others were my father's age or older.

They were more than happy to share wisdom with a young guy.

It was an excellent opportunity to listen.

Often, I would not get the message until later that day or week.

One of the regulars bought and sold feed grain.

He would entertain me by asking what feed barley was doing.

One day he asked me, “Up a dollar or down a dollar?”

That stuck with me and has become more relevant as time goes on.

Watching the markets consists of a whole lot of nothing.

Markets are generally boring, moving sideways through no-trade zones or trending in one direction or the other.

Unless you are a short-term trader, the wiggles and the squiggles of the daily price action are irrelevant.

It is essential to know your timeframe.

Are you day trading futures or a producer with a longer-term timeframe?

How do you want to spend your time?

Our analysis identifies levels of interest, providing advance notice of trend changes.

Readers can create alerts for prices approaching our levels of interest.

These alerts free up the reader’s time and headspace for tasks they enjoy and can control.

The market is boring.

Most of the time.

We will notify you of levels when the market is about to become exciting.


or to participate.